Choosing a color system really depends on the project size and complexity, we should use color to guide the users to use the app in the right path (happy path) It is very useful to document the process to convince clients for visual language and branding

For the very basic color system

The whole thing about colors there are only three color categories

Branding color

To Pick a brand color we need to pick something in between the shade and tint

which usually means,

  1. it will be in the right corner of the color picker,
  2. works well (accessible) as a button background color.
  3. As a background it should have enough contrast for both the dark and light colors of the UI

Supporting color

These also include the secondary colors.

there are very common colors to always consider, which are

  1. Green
  2. Yellow / Orange
  3. Blue
  4. Red


This whole thing is a Shade of Supporting color blue

The Important thing to consider is that, we should have the same Saturation and Lightness value as the brand color, we should only have big number difference in the Hue value, when compared to the brand color.

The 900 is usually of a value of 90 - 100 Saturation and Brightness value = 20-30

The 100 is usually of a value of 20-30 Saturation and Brightness value of 90-100

But for neutral colors we do the reverse for the Saturation and Brightness value.

Color System

Each will have a shade of on specific color

Again depending on the complexity of the app, we usually have 9 colors, the median is the actual color, to the left is darker also called shade and the right will be lighter also called tint

to do so in Figma



select the next color, and apply the color before it, then change the color type to HSL aka Hue Saturation and Lightness and then Decrease Saturation and Lightness for Shades and Increase Saturation and Lightness for tint,

To increase by constant value, use SHIFT + UP / DOWN ARROW

another easy way of doing colors from mood board is to use Foundation Color Generator or Material Theme Builder plugins to do the job for us.

Any color choice should satisfy the following

  1. Do you have all the color options you need
  2. Does it look astatically pleasing
  3. Do the colors feel like they fit together
  4. Does it pass the color contrast checker

to Check for color contrast and color blindness, use stark plugin

For implementation

we should always choose same colors for same purpose for consistent ease of use through out the application

For Background

Avoid using mid tone colors for background

common rule of thumb is that if the app is text for the most part use white backgrounds

and if it is more of photos and videos use darker background color


use the brand color for those, however not as frequently as possible