Type Design

The whole idea is to show importance hierarchy and increase readability

Hierarchy: A typographical scale is essential for creating a visual hierarchy in your design. it is important to establish a clear relationship between different elements of your design using typography.

Consider which element should be emphasized and use font sizes and weights to create hierarchy.

Legibility: The typography you choose should be easy to read and legible at different sizes. when selecting a font, pay attention to your size, weight, and spacing of the letters, as well as the contrast between the text and the background. You should ensure that the font you choose is easy to read on different devices and in different lighting conditions.

Consistency: Consistency is key when building a typographical scale. Use a consistent font family and font size through out your design to create a cohesive and professional look. Establishing consistent typographical elements also make it easier for the users to understand and navigate your interface.

Accessibility: As a designer, it is important to consider the needs of all users, including those with visual impairments. When designing your typographical scale, consider using high contrast fonts and providing options for users to adjust font size and line spacing

Flexibility: Your typographical scale should be flexible enough to accommodate different content types and length. Consider creating a range of font sizes and weights that can be applied to different element of your design, depending on the content and its importance.


building type-scales

These are the list of Scales, although we can create our own if we need to.

Minor Second1.067
Major Second1.125
Minor Third1.200
Major Third1.250
Perfect Forth1.333
Augmented Forth1.414
Perfect Fifth1.500
Golden Ratio1.618

Tools to help with Type Scales

Good Article about Type Scale

For generating typescale

More read about typesccale

First thing to do is to know what we are using it for AKA The type styles, common examples are for Display, Headline, title, body, and label.

Creating a type style

when creating a text style, the line height for the text should be the font-size + 8, and then round it to the closest number divisible by 8


if Font-Size = 57, then the Text-Height should be 57 + 8 = 65, this would round to 64

** Google Material Design **

Common example for the typeface, assume we are using ROBOTO font.

type-faceFont-SizeLine HeightConning(Spacing between characters)
Display 157640
Display 245520
Display 336440
Heading 132400
Heading 228360
Heading 322300
Body Small14220

** Apple Human Design **

TitleFont SizeLine HeightKerning
Large Title34pt41pt0.37pt
Title 128pt34pt0.36pt
Title 222pt28pt0.34pt
Title 320pt25pt0.38pt
Caption 112pt16pt0pt
Caption 211pt13pt0.06pt

For Conning we can eyeball it, also usually good fonts have good conning. so we can leave it as 0

Finally we can use Text Styles Generator plugin to generate the local style for us. we just need to name the text, and select all of them and run the plugin.