True Design Manifesto

The True Design Manifesto is a call to arms to bring back the simplicity and directness of the web.

___web design shound’t be a fancy abstract art, it should just be simple formal interactive document ___


The web has evolved into a cluttered landscape, plagued by intrusive popups, obtrusive advertisements, and distracting design elements that obscure the core purpose: delivering information efficiently. Before the advent of design trends that prioritized aesthetics over functionality, the web was a straightforward and uncluttered platform, providing direct access to the desired content

The True Design Manifesto is a call to action, advocating for a return to the web’s original simplicity and directness. It champions a user-centric approach, where the design serves as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself.

The True Design Manifesto

  1. Simplicity - The design should be clean and uncluttered, devoid of unnecessary elements that detract from the core content. No popups, no ads, just the essential information presented in a clear and concise

  2. Directness - The design should facilitate direct access to the desired information, eliminating the need for excessive navigation or clicking through multiple pages.

  3. Ease of Use - The design should prioritize intuitive usability, ensuring that users can effortlessly locate and consume the information they seek, without unnecessary complexity.

  4. Accessibility - The design should be inclusive, catering to users with diverse abilities and technological constraints. It should not require high-end devices or the latest browsers to access the content effectively.

  5. Speed -The design should prioritize performance, ensuring that pages load swiftly, allowing users to access the desired information without unnecessary delays.

  6. Mobile First - The design should be optimized for mobile devices, recognizing the increasing prevalence of mobile internet usage and ensuring a seamless experience across various screen sizes.

  7. Responsive - The design should adapt seamlessly to different devices and screen resolutions, providing a consistent and optimal user experience regardless of the viewing environment.

  8. User-Centric - The design should place the user’s needs at the forefront, prioritizing intuitive navigation and a well-structured user experience over superficial aesthetic considerations.

  9. True Design - The design should be true design, no need to have a fancy design to access the information needed.

The True Design Manifesto advocates for a web that is functional, accessible, minimalistic and user-friendly , where the design serves as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. By embracing these principles, we can create a more streamlined and efficient online experience, empowering users to access the information they need with ease and clarity.